1st day of school.

Well, I did it! I survived our first morning drop off with our kindergartener. Lol. He was all smiles this morning. Thank you, Jesus! (A miracle considering, he’s been like a bear with a sore paw all weekend!) He walked in like a big boy, put up his backpack, & sat down to play with blocks at his table. I’m praying he loves school & makes friends easily. If my babies are happy, Momma is happy. My oldest, an 8th grader this year, chose to ride the bus. He was convinced that I’d make him late taking his brother. (A possibility since, thanks to School consolidations, we live 30 minutes from their school.)

After drop off, I headed home to start feeding my farm animals in the dreary rain. My puppies were excited to see me & jumped up with muddy paws on my pants, the calves bumped me with their wet hides, & my boots sank in the mud. Overall, I think it’s been a good morning. I’m counting my blessings, going to finish my chores, & keep an eye on the clock until pick up time. I hope you all have a blessed day.


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